Buggy running,Race reports

My 2022 Year in Review

Total distance run: 3460km / 2150 miles which equates to an average of 288km / 179 miles per month or 67km / 42 miles per week.

30% of this has been done pushing the stroller, so 1028km / 640 miles over the course of the year (although not all of these with an actual child inside ha ha ha).

I’m proud of these stats, which show my most consistent year ever. Miraculously I did not suffer any injuries and my only time off (a couple of weeks in early July) was by choice (and not that easy to stick to as a self-confessed running addict!).

I’ve taken part in 27 races this year:

  • 5 x marathons
  • 2 x half marathons
  • 5 x 10ks
  • 4 x track races (2 x 3,000m and 2 x 5,000m – my first ever real athletics events)
  • 6 x Parkruns (before they were tragically suspended indefinitely here in France, sob!!)
  • 1 x Ekiden
  • 1 x French national championship (5km road)
  • 1 x cross country event
  • plus a couple of small off-road races

I’ve had a couple of firsts, a cluster of podium finishes and pocketed some decent prize money (+ loads of brilliant vouchers!) but not all of these races have been a success. My first marathon of the year, which I trained so conscientiously for, was a particular low spot and set me on a bit of a downward spiral chasing a “redemption” race, which ultimately I did not succeed in. I also have to admit that I have not set a single personal best over any distance this year. If anything, I am getting progressively slower!

That said, my proudest non-buggy moments have got to be:

  1. winning the regional title (Championne d’Occitanie) for the marathon in Albi in April, for which I had to dig extremely deep into my reserves of endurance and tenacity;
  2. finishing first overall female at a year-long series of local races called the Challenge Serge Levy;
  3. crossing the finish line of three sub-3:15 marathons in the space of four weeks!

But by far my biggest running achievements of 2022 have all included the stroller… here they are, in reverse order:

5. discovering a beautiful corner of France during the Nevers Marathon and hanging on over a tough course to finish in 3hr44;

4. a 1hr:30:36 half marathon buggy PB with home support at the 21km de Blagnac;

3. 4th place finish at the Marathon de Poitiers-Futuroscope in 3hr23 (and a €200 cash prize!);

2. overall victory (female) at the 10km de Castelginest, fulfilling a long-held dream;

and in first place, drum roll please… setting a new Guinness World Record for “fastest mile pushing a pram (female)” in 5:57.

I have no idea what 2023 will have in store for me, but here’s to plenty more fun to be had running. Cheers!

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