Race Report: Marathon du Médoc 2023

You’ve probably heard of the iconic “Marathon des Châteaux du Médoc”, arguably France’s most-famous footrace. Runners participate in fancy dress to match the year’s theme and most are there to savour the gourmet refreshment stations nestled amongst the picture-perfect châteaux. Dubbed the “longest marathon in the world”, it serves as a showcase for the region’s …

Jumping in

I love to get outdoors with the family on the weekends, but sometimes the weather is so foul you need an indoor alternative.  Last Sunday was one such day. It was bitterly cold and the air was so wet it felt like the clouds tumbling down from the sky and the mist crawling up from …

Bribery Smarties

You know this already, but this is the tube (not box, those mini ones are the devil’s work) of Smarties you keep handy when you need your little darling to do what they’re told. Right now. When out buggy running, your bribery Smarties have the following potential uses: it’s-time-to-get-back-in-and-no-we-can’t-go-down-the-slide-again yes-you-do-need-to-wear-your-hat-it’s-freezing there’s-no-toilet-here-you’ll-just-have-to-hold-it please-don’t-drop-that-I’m-not-stopping-again and so on.