Buggy running,Hints & tips

How to prep for a buggy marathon

I suspect it is rather unlikely that many of you out there are planning to run 26.2 miles pushing your kid in a stroller (!), but just in case you are tempted, here’s my packing list for the marathons I have run with my four-to-five-year-old:

  1. Buggy, rain cover, sun shade, bicycle pump.
  2. Plastic sheet to protect the back of the car from wet/muddy wheels and an old cloth.
  3. A small towel – incredibly useful. If you’re at the newly-toilet-trained stage then get your child to sit on it.
  4. Water bottles – one for you and one for your passenger. I have the Thule bottle cage to carry mine on the Chariot, which is so useful.
  5. Your usual marathon fuel – I tape my gels to the top of the buggy so they’re easily accessible and I don’t have to carry them!
  6. Toys for the ride – I dig out a few from the back of the cupboard that haven’t been played with recently for novelty value, plus our failsafe favourites (mini disco ball, drawing “tablet”, finger puppets, something noisy). Depending on age, a mini video game could be a hit (we have a vintage Nintendo) and I always put in a comic (lighter than a book).
  7. Snacks for the little one – I’m pretty generous with the sugar on these adventures and put some little jelly sweets in pots (easier to open than plastic sachets) to go alongside a packet of biscuits, a mini cake, a fruit pouch and, of course, Smarties.
  8. A complete change of clothing for both of you for after the race (to leave in the car). Depending on the age of your child, you may be unlikely to need this, but I did once do a run in the rain where the buggy leaked from underneath from splashing through too many puddles and my daughter was soaked! If you’re running with an actual baby then don’t forget the nappy/diaper changing bag.
  9. A couple of tiny (inexpensive) wrapped gifts for your co-pilot. This time I found a Playmobil surprise figure reduced to €1, a little dress-up sticker book, a flashing ring and a miniature cuddly rabbit leftover from Christmas. These serve the dual purpose of entertainment and reward. During our last marathon, the sticker book hidden in DD’s buggy bag kept her busy for the whole last hour (which was a godsend as the race was hard and much longer than I was expecting!).
  10. An old, fully charged smartphone with some cartoons downloaded onto it. I’m a bit ashamed to admit this as I try to avoid reliance on screens, but in the exceptional circumstances of sitting still throughout a 42.2km race, I think it is warranted. Choose something visual without much dialogue in case there are noisy crowds/bands en route! And, above all, make sure you teach your child how to use the phone.

Voilà! Let me know if I’ve forgotten anything.

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