The mental and physical benefits of running are well documented, but in my five years of pushing a running stroller, I’ve discovered the following specific additional advantages:
- An improvement in running form – I naturally land on my forefoot while pushing the buggy, with a slight forward lean, which I try to replicate on my solo sessions.
- A built-in upper body workout for strong and toned arms (I am proud of mine – no bingo wings round here!)
- Resistance training – pushing extra weight (my stroller + daughter = about 31kg / 68lbs these days) boosts cardiovascular fitness and all-round strength. Running solo then feels easy-peasy.
- Forces you to run genuinely slowly on easy days (although I must admit to getting carried away on my buggy runs more often than I should).
- Psychological boost – I get so many “bravo!”s and shouts of encouragement when running with my daughter that it makes me feel like some kind of mother-runner-super-hero 🙂
Not to mention the fresh air, vitamin D and change of scenery for your little one and a special moment of parent-child bonding time – I’m very honoured that my five-and-a-half-year-old still wants to come with me and our runs are always a time I treasure with her.
Did I forget anything? Let me know.