Family adventures

Jumping in

I love to get outdoors with the family on the weekends, but sometimes the weather is so foul you need an indoor alternative. 

Last Sunday was one such day. It was bitterly cold and the air was so wet it felt like the clouds tumbling down from the sky and the mist crawling up from the river had met in the middle. So we decided to stay dry and try out a new indoor activity… trampolining!

There are a couple of trampoline park type places in the Toulouse area and naturally we headed to the one nearest us, You Jump in Sept Deniers (which also has the advantage that kids are welcome from age three – in some the minimum age is five). 


The place was vast, with wall-to-wall trampolines, including zones for dodgeball and basketball and a huge foam pit to land your practice tricks in. We were there shortly after opening and had the entire place to ourselves! 

It’s not super cheap (about €50 for the five of us, including compulsory grippy socks, which you can obviously reuse) though you can pay with cheques vacances and we were given an extra quarter of an hour for free, given how quiet it was. 

An hour doesn’t sound like a lot, but believe me, it is! We jumped and jumped and JUMPED then played dodgeball, attempted forward somersaults into the foam pit, ran and bounced off the walls, then jumped some more…. totally exhausting! (I really couldn’t have stayed any longer…. though possibly it hadn’t helped that I’d done a 20km marathon training run just before!!)

It was such such SUCH good fun. I didn’t stop grinning the entire time and the kids all had a blast and burnt off masses of energy. The funniest part was probably watching their dad get completely stuck, legs in the air, in the foam pit, though the girls vs. boys family dodgeball got a huge thumbs up too.

We had cold drinks in the café at the end and vowed to return. It’s not easy to find an activity that is excellent fun and genuinely challenging for such a range of ages (4 to 43) so if you have a trampoline park near you, check it out!

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