Rest day ruminations

After four training days on the trot and a 24km long run yesterday, today is rest day. I have a real love-hate relationship with rest days. Yes, a part of me was glad not to head out into the freezing fog, especially after I let the chill get into my fingers yesterday. Yes, lingering over …

An inauspicious start

My first week of “official” marathon preparation and DD has caught Covid-19! This means that she’s been off school all week (perfectly well, just following protocol) and I’ve had to adapt my training. Monday is always my long run day – it’s such a treat to head out in the morning after school drop-off, all …

Taking the plunge…

That’s it, I’ve done it… I’ve entered a marathon!! And it’s just TEN WEEKS away, eeek! I’m feeling a mixture of fizzing excitement and stomach-churning fear. I’ve run marathons in the past – six to be precise – all in under 3hr15 and my PB is 2hr58, which is definitely one of my proudest sporting …

Bribery Smarties

You know this already, but this is the tube (not box, those mini ones are the devil’s work) of Smarties you keep handy when you need your little darling to do what they’re told. Right now. When out buggy running, your bribery Smarties have the following potential uses: it’s-time-to-get-back-in-and-no-we-can’t-go-down-the-slide-again yes-you-do-need-to-wear-your-hat-it’s-freezing there’s-no-toilet-here-you’ll-just-have-to-hold-it please-don’t-drop-that-I’m-not-stopping-again and so on.