It’s New Year’s Day and a Saturday, so this morning the five of us set off to blow away some cobwebs at our local Parkrun. The grass was still crispy with frost, but the sun was shining and moods were buoyant. Parkrun hasn’t really taken off in France in the same way as some other …
Five burn off their Christmas dinner
Boxing Day dawned mild and still this year, so we seized the opportunity for a spot of family sport to blow away the Christmas cobwebs. YY and SB at eight and six are excellent on their bikes and mercifully good at listening to instructions. They ride behind my husband (running) who signals turnings and calls …
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells…
Ooooh I had such a brilliant time today racing with DD. It was the Corrida de Noël de Toulouse 10km race, Father Christmas hats and red T-shirts compulsory! I’m normally a bit serious when it comes to racing, but seeing as I bagged a new solo 10km PB last weekend (finishing 2nd female at the …
Best buggy running toys by age
My running buggy (the Thule Chariot Cross) has the fantastic feature that the child and any other contents are entirely zipped inside. Unlike a regular pushchair, it is simply not possible to lose anything over the edge. Genius really. Your running buggy may not be like this. If that is the case then you’re going …
Bribery Smarties
You know this already, but this is the tube (not box, those mini ones are the devil’s work) of Smarties you keep handy when you need your little darling to do what they’re told. Right now. When out buggy running, your bribery Smarties have the following potential uses: it’s-time-to-get-back-in-and-no-we-can’t-go-down-the-slide-again yes-you-do-need-to-wear-your-hat-it’s-freezing there’s-no-toilet-here-you’ll-just-have-to-hold-it please-don’t-drop-that-I’m-not-stopping-again and so on.
Four tips to get you started
Ready to have a go at running with your buggy? Here are my top tips… Pick your moment Choose a time of the day when your little one is fed and happy and you feel energised. For me, this changed over time. I liked to run early (8:30/9am ish) when DD was very small, as …