Target time

With just ONE WEEK to go until race day, it’s time for some marathon goal-setting. When I was a twenty-something first-timer, a very wise old owl at my running club told me that, when running a marathon, you should always have three objectives: an ‘A’ goal, which is your die-on-the-spot-of-happiness dream outcome; a ‘B’ goal, …

February 2022 round-up

The last day of February already! Always catches me by surprise this super-short month. 😄 I’m relieved to say life has more or less returned to normal this month – almost no family illness, fewer disruptions at the kids’ school and a general feeling of things being back under control. Running-wise, I’ve somehow managed to tick …

January 2022 round-up

I can’t say I’m sad to see the back of the first month of 2022… between endless class closures, strikes at school and everyone catching Covid-19, it’s been a really challenging few weeks from a family/organisational perspective. For my training, it’s meant I’ve had to adapt. I’ve certainly done more mileage with the buggy than …

Rest day ruminations

After four training days on the trot and a 24km long run yesterday, today is rest day. I have a real love-hate relationship with rest days. Yes, a part of me was glad not to head out into the freezing fog, especially after I let the chill get into my fingers yesterday. Yes, lingering over …

An inauspicious start

My first week of “official” marathon preparation and DD has caught Covid-19! This means that she’s been off school all week (perfectly well, just following protocol) and I’ve had to adapt my training. Monday is always my long run day – it’s such a treat to head out in the morning after school drop-off, all …

Taking the plunge…

That’s it, I’ve done it… I’ve entered a marathon!! And it’s just TEN WEEKS away, eeek! I’m feeling a mixture of fizzing excitement and stomach-churning fear. I’ve run marathons in the past – six to be precise – all in under 3hr15 and my PB is 2hr58, which is definitely one of my proudest sporting …