It’s Race Week!

On Sunday, I’ll take on the biggest running challenge of my life when I attempt a full marathon pushing my four-and-a-half-year-old in the buggy. I really don’t know if I can do it. My marathon efforts so far this year have been mediocre at best. 26.2 miles is certainly not my forte. Plus I’ll be …

Stroller marathon goals

I’m super excited to announce that I’m going to be running one final spring marathon… and this time, with the buggy! My little DD is 100% on-board with the idea and we’ve found the perfect race: the Marathon de Poitiers-Futuroscope. The organisers seem super friendly and they’ve responded with enthusiasm to my request to take …

Day of excitement

RACE WEEKEND IS FINALLY HERE… the 2022 Marathon de Montpellier is this Sunday! I’m so excited I can hardly sit still. I still have some doubts (mostly about my knee, which has not felt good this week), but I’m giving myself a boost by looking back at ten awesome weeks of training. I’ve run roughly …

Rest day ruminations

After four training days on the trot and a 24km long run yesterday, today is rest day. I have a real love-hate relationship with rest days. Yes, a part of me was glad not to head out into the freezing fog, especially after I let the chill get into my fingers yesterday. Yes, lingering over …

Taking the plunge…

That’s it, I’ve done it… I’ve entered a marathon!! And it’s just TEN WEEKS away, eeek! I’m feeling a mixture of fizzing excitement and stomach-churning fear. I’ve run marathons in the past – six to be precise – all in under 3hr15 and my PB is 2hr58, which is definitely one of my proudest sporting …